The assignment
It took almost a year to convince the local Council to give the design commission for the new neighborhood park to the StedelijkLab, a model for joint urban practice of professionals and non-professionals. The brief was to design a park of about 13.500 m2. The preconditions were limited to a few technical requirements, such as:
The park must be designed so as to be usable by all segments of the local community.
The playground and the park form a single design. There is to be no distinction between what constitutes park and what constitutes playground. There will be a boundary around the perimeter of the park, in the form of a low fence, an elevation differential or a hedge.
Cutting across the park, on the south side, a walking path runs from east to west, with a generous breadth of at least 4.5 metres.
The existing, highly valuable trees are to be incorporated into the park design.
The park should be suitable for outside activities for the multi-function community school.
A multi-function sports field, of between 1200 and 1400 m2 is to be included.
As are playground facilities for children 0-6, of between 500 and 600 m2.