Wishes and posibilities
Many wishes and limited available space: no easy design task. The wishes for a fountain, various hangout areas, playground equipment, skate ramp, kiosk, climbing wall, football pitch, etc., are at odds with a green park. The brief explicitly called for a park, and not a city square with facilities. And a zoning plan designation as ‘park’ means one cannot put buildings on the site. This meant that the schoolchildren had to think about maintaining the park-like character of the site but also about opportunities for the greenbelt to fulfill a specific function. Ornamental greenery was not sufficient in this case, and this led to them bringing up the idea of ‘do-green’, or greenery with a function. But it also made them think about possible combinations of facilities. They named a series of ‘urban’ objects in response to the explicit wish of the neighborhood's residents to really be able to use the park. In order to limit the number of objects, many of these structures have multiple functions. The fountain must also serve as a paddling pool. It has to be a circular structure with a sloping fountain in the centre and to be tiled in mosaic.